Thursday, 7 March 2013

Porcelain buttons

A while ago I made some porcelain buttons from impressed clay.  I then coloured them using underglaze colours before having a clear glaze on top.  I love the way the colour is darker in the impressed parts of the clay as it gives them more of a tonal look.

Porcelain heart, flower and circle button
Porcelain heart buttons
Close up of buttons

I've made some more which are ready to go in the kiln - this time I'm going to leave them plain to see how they look.


  1. They're so pretty - what's impressed clay ? Does that mean the clay comes with the pattern already or do you use something to put the pattern on ?


  2. Hi Terri
    Impressed clay means that when I roll the clay out (like you roll out pastry) I use something to make an 'impression' on the surface. I have a collectio of old lace and table cloths etc which I use to create a nice textured pattern. I'm glad you like them :-).
